Thursday, September 1, 2011

first entries are always lame

So I'll just get this one out of the way.

I'm a writer. Not full time, but fully committed. I've got one book and a produced screenplay under my belt, and am working on TWO projects:
1.) Most important: a non-fiction book on the survivors of sex trafficking, in conjunction with a group called Transitions Global, who is pioneering the field of aftercare and re-integration.
2.) Less important: the sequel to my first young adult novel, "Saban and The Ancient"

This blog will mostly be about me tipping my toes in the increasingly turbulent waters of modern-day abolition. My only hopes are also two:
1.) That I contribute to the awareness of, recovery from, and general demise of this reprehensible and rarely discussed industry.
2.) That I not suck at it.

I make no guarantees.


  1. Tho most of what i do will probably be "crilliant"...

  2. I am sure you will not suck at it. Looking forward to following. Not stocking of

  3. Welcome to the world of blogging Dante - I am really looking forward to following you here. I think you're doing something very important in creating awareness of a horrible human condition that unfortunately still exists in our world - thank you for your caring and courage. ~ Julie Catherine
